Second International On-Line
Crystal Skull Conference Speaker
March 9th & 10th, 2013 (Europe) - for Unity and
Gina O'Connor
(Gina is a crystal skull guardian and teacher,
organizes spiritual retreats, artists, Mesa Carrier)
Gina O’Connor (International Spiritual Experience) organizes
healing workshops, seminars, and spiritual retreats around the
world at sacred sites and sacred times. She is an artist; Mesa
(Inca medicine bundle) Carrier and Pampamesayok in training in
the Q’ero Inca tradition; intuitive channel and healer. Her
other specialities and studies include Deeksha/Oneness
Blessings; Ancient civilizations/Archaeology; Meditation;
Crystals and Crystal Skulls; Energy and Consciousness Studies at
Sacred Places and Dowsing; Synchronicity & several forms of
Energy Healing. Gina enjoys teaching a wide variety of spiritual
workshops, presentations and talks reflecting her unique
research and spiritual interests.
Gina has a strong passion for crystal skulls. She and her
partner, Bart, are the loving and happy caretakers of a large
crystal skull healing team, including six very old and sacred
Mongolian Crystal Skulls: Tao Chi and Tzong La (petrified wood);
Leonid Regulus; Josephine; Rainbow Warrior and Solomon
(calcite). Gina interacts with many crystal skulls from around
the world on a daily basis through meditation, channelling
messages and energy from and with them. In this way, Gina can
help others to become more aware of the healing possibilities
and communication from and with the crystal and crystal skull
consciousness. The messages that come through are deeply
profound and often delightfully surprising- connecting to many
dimensions, star beings, knowledge about the nature of the
universe, and time periods from past to future. Gina is able to
perceive the messages through seeing, hearing, feeling, knowing,
smelling, and divine synchronizations.
For several years now, she has been connecting many new
caretakers all around the world with their first crystal
skulls. Many of the crystal skulls Gina offer give her special
messages and speak of the particular talents and energy
signatures they carry. It has been a joy for her share the
skulls this way and to hear from new caretakers about their
amazing experiences, synchronicities, transformations, and
To contact Gina, you can email
her at:
or visit her website at: