-- and Other World Mysteries .....
(Return of our
Skull / World Mystery
Monthly On-line Radio Show
July 27th, 1-3 PM EDT; 10 AM - Noon PDT)
"... See Information below how to listen to the
archive for this program aired in July, 2014 ..."

In conjunction with “A Mad Look at Reality” Show
staring the Mad Painter, our producer on Revolution Radio
sponsored by Freedom Slips on Studio A
listen to this show live and on-line go to:
(see directions below how to listen to our
Come be a part
of our Exciting
New Show July 27th
with our special guests:
Councilwoman from the Crystal Skull Hearts Council
(the organizers of
"Crystal Skull World Day", Nov. 22nd)
Timothy Green Beckley - Mr. UFO!!
How to Tune into our Radio Show Live: - Go
to the website run by Freedom Slips at:
www.freedomslips.com -- then
scroll down the page a little bit until you see under a banner entitled "Your
Favorite Show of 2013 / Best of Freedomslips" - you will see a square section
just below that shows
"FS Studio"
(with a microphone) , see below:

This is just an image of how to listen
to the
show on the Freedom Slips website, you just
click on the play button like above!!
For the archived show
if you were unable to attend the live show, a version of it is stored on Youtube on
Revolution Radio's channel - you can find it at:
these Notes about this Youtube video FIRST --
we took over the last two hours of the show entitled "A Mad Look at Reality" so
if you watch {listen to, as there really is no video} the whole video up until
time 1:39:47 - you will hear "A Mad Painter" speaking to his guests who do
discuss some interesting subjects. But at the exact time into the video
mentioned above, our show the "Unfolding of the Crystal Skulls and Other World
Mysteries" starts. Further, our second quest Tim Beckley got the times confused
and does not appear but Joshua goes into several subjects beyond the "Crystal
Skulls" linked to the paranormal and some of the interesting new research the
Explorers are conducting. For all future shows on Revolution Radio, the
instructions above how to hear the "LIVE" show will be the same.)
Next Show:
We have our next show tentatively scheduled for Sunday, August 24th, from 1-3 PM
EDT, 10 AM - Noon PDT, 6-8 PM GMT. Our guest for the full two hours will
be Jose Federico Munoz, who is a Mayan Daykeeper from Guatemala. He will be
sharing with our listeners about the Mayan understanding about the crystal
skulls, special messages and prophecies he carries and publicly shares as
authorized by his Elders and also why he is supporting Crystal Skull World Day.
PS: If you do a search in Youtube, "Revolution Radio
- Joshua Shapiro" you will
see all the prior interviews Joshua has done with "A Mad
Painter" before on his regular shows as well.
What did we Discuss on the July 27th Show?
the first hour, we spoke to a member of the
Crystal Skull Hearts Council,
just formed in this May. This council is currently working on the creation of a
special day they call “Crystal
Skull World Day”. The goal
of this day is to bring together all the crystal skull guardians (including
owners of new and ancient skulls plus hopefully link in with various indigenous
tribes who guard their own crystal skulls protected for hundreds or thousands of
years) to focus on a five minute meditation working with their crystal skulls to
share a powerful loving energy with the whole planet.
This co-created event has never been attempted before. The particular council
member who will be joining us, in her own right is very knowledgeable about the
crystal skulls and has had a number of years working with them. The Crystal
Skull Explorers are a co-sponsor of this event. More information about Crystal
Skull World Day can be obtained by visiting the council’s website at:
the second hour, we hoped to have spoken to
Timothy Green Beckley,
one of the most dedicated and well known UFO and paranormal investigators,
authors and publishers we have encountered. He is also affectionately known as
“Mr. UFO”.
Unfortunately Tim go the time wrong for the show and called in after it was
finished. We hope to bring Tim back at some future time. In any case,
Joshua filled in with his recent adventures.
To know more about Mr. Beckley and all the amazing books
he offers via his publishing companies go
Host for this Show was the Crystal
Skull Explorers with
Joshua Shapiro with Katrina Head
(Katrina was not available).
The Crystal Skull Explorers have been working closely together since 2009 when
they met in Atlanta. They have written three books together including the
Crystal Skull Explorers Travel Log Series: Travel Log #1: Mexico 2009; Travel
Log #2: Search for the Blue Skull in Peru. They also conduct a monthly world
peace meditation with the crystal skulls and are a co-sponsor for Crystal Skull
World Day.
They organized the first crystal skull on-line conference in December of 2012
and a second one in 2013. There first radio show called “Crystal Skulls Now” was
aired in 2010 on BlogTalk Radio. Joshua currently is involved in working with a
talented team of people to create two new paranormal adventure novels
(trilogies) which will show two possible scenarios linked with the Crystal
Skulls how World Peace can happen in our world in the near future. Feel free to
visit their website at:
of the Crystal Skulls and Other World Mysteries”
is a monthly radio show hosted by the Crystal Skull Explorers and broadcast as a
part of the “The Mad Look at Reality Show” hosted by A Mad Painter every
Sunday. Each month the explorers will be examining different aspects of various
World Mysteries and the Paranormal via special guests and sharing from their own
extensive experiences. If you would like to be a guest on the show or have a
person you would like to recommend please send an email to:
(If you click on the link below {use
the right mouse button on a pc} you can save our banner
for the show and attach it to an email or post it on your social media

Don't miss out on this early book released in 1989 written by Nocerino, Bowen & Shapiro.
It is currently out of print but there are limited copies still available now.
(Click on the Front Cover of the Book to read excerpts or get your copy today!!.) |

The Amazing
book by Joshua Shapiro &
Katrina Head the Crystal Skull Explorers,
"Search for the Blue Skull in Peru".
Get Your Copy Now!!
Printed Edition / E-book
(be one of the first to
have the Printed Edition)
(Click on the Front Cover of the Book
to Get Your Personal Copy.) |

Our FREE new Newsletter is available right now -- entitled "The Unfolding of the Crystal Skulls".
For each new member who joins we are sharing, never publicly released before, a special 3-Part Crystal Skull Documentary,
made in 2007. To learn what other gifts and information we are sharing with our members, click on the photo of the crystal skulls above to view the newsletter webpage.

Skulls World Peace Meditations for 2014
(click on the photo or the text link above to learn about the special
world peace
meditations being held in 2014 - starting on January 1st and continuing
each month on the 13th day at the 13th hour - as we work with these
crystal friends to share a special energy with all living beings on the
Contact Information
Crystal Skull Explorers Attn: Joshua Shapiro
& Katrina Head Kent, WA, USA Phone: 1-312-473-2790 Fax: 1-206-350-4985
EMAIL: crystalskullexplorers@gmail.com
SKYPE: joshaushapiro17
TWITTER: @csexplorer